Love God • Love People • Grow Together
By the direction and love of God, through His power and grace, National Heights Baptist Church continues a wonderful heritage of ministry. The congregations through the years have now passed the torch to us. We believe God will receive honor, worship and praise through His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, as we commit to building a contagious and fulfilling church where we Love God, Love People, and Grow Together.
Love God Through Worship
God creates us (Genesis 1:1), sustains us (2 Corinthians 9:8), redeems us (Romans 3:24- 26), and rules us (1 Timothy 6:13- 16). He deserves our devotion, our obedience and our praise (Psalm 145:3). He has perfectly expressed his love to us through the gift of His Son (John 3:16). We express our love to Him through our worship and through our obedience (Romans 12:1). We seek to continue the heritage of National Heights as a church who worships the Resurrected Savior through corporate gatherings and individual service. If we are known for anything, we will be known as a people who love God.
Love People through Evangelism, Missions, and Ministry
God has placed our congregation in Springfield because He loves the people of this community, and desires that they know His love. Following the command of God, we seek to share His gospel message with every age group, reaching children, young parents, singles, youth, median age adults, and seniors with the life changing message of Christ.
We recognize that our mission does not end here. We desire to be a part of God’s plan to reach Springfield, Missouri, North America, and the World (Acts 1:8). We seek to combine our efforts with the ministries of other like minded congregations in accomplishing the command of our Lord (Matthew 28:18- 20).
We recognize that ministry is a vital part of our mission. We look forward to the time when every believer in our congregation will recognize and utilize their God- given gifts and talents through serving God by serving others. We look forward to effective and growing ministries that, combined
with the ministries of other congregations, effectively meet the needs of all age groups in our community and world.
Grow through Discipleship and Fellowship
National Heights will be a place where believers can grow in their relationship to Christ and in their relationship to each other (Ephesians 4:14- 16). We seek to allow opportunities for believers to utilize their gifts and talents in ministry roles that will encourage future leaders in ministry.
We recognize the importance of small groups in the process of growing in our relationship with God and with each other. The Sunday School provides a base for evangelism, discipleship, fellowship, and ministry. We will provide an environment that encourages fellowship among believers of all ages, following the model of scripture:
From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows, and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work. (Ephesians 4:16)
Our Vision
Lead people in our world to Know, Grow and Go.
- Know God intimately
- Grow to be like Jesus
- Go on mission for Christ
Our Core Values

Discover the Mission Vision at National Heights!