We believe God has called every believer to take the message of Christ around the world. Find out how you can be a part of the greatest enterprise in all history!

Taking God’s Love Around the World


Women’s Missionary Union has a long history at National Heights Baptist Church. These women’s groups both study missions and participate in mission projects for Grand Oak Mission, Mexico, and more.

Mission to Guadalajara

Under the leadership of Robb Chandler, National Heights participates in annual Greene County Baptist Association mission trips, including our partnership with the Nazareth Baptist Church in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Mission Trips

National Heights believes in living out missions in our world. Recent adult mission trips have included  Joplin, Wyoming, Malta, and Taiwan.  Annual youth mission trips have included journeys to Sedona, Panama City, Kansas City, and South Africa.


NHBC partners with the International Mission Board and the North American Mission Board of the Southern Baptist Convention. In addition to participation through the Cooperative Program and special prayer emphases and offerings.